For the better part of the 20th Century Zino Davidoff shared his passion for cigars with the World and in doing so helped bring a greater understanding to what comprised a great cigar. With countless products bearing his name, none perhaps caused such a stir as the Zino Platinum Scepter Series, a line of ultra-premium cigars crafted for the Modern World. Released alongside the Crown Series in 2003, the Scepter Series features a classic range of sizes and shapes, smaller than those of the Crown Series, yet with the same Dominican and Peruvian filler tobaccos topped by a Connecticut binder and Ecuadorian-grown Connecticut wrapper leaf. While each size and shape will deliver a unique character all its own, every Scepter Series cigar delivers a flavorful and intensely complex smoke that will fall somewhere along the full spectrum of the medium-bodied range. These are The most accessible of the Zino Platinum range. Available in round “click” sealing tins. Thanks for reading!If you enjoyed this article, say Hello On:Instagram |Facebook |X |Anchor"Hey Google, listen to Cigars 365" or "Alexa, cigar reviews" Post navigation Montecristo Nicaragua Macanudo Gold Label