Rocky Patel began his cigar-making journey in 1995 with the launch of the Indian Tabac Company, which would lead to the creation of Rocky Patel branded cigars and one of the most revered catalogs of premium cigars in the World today. In honor of his 20th year in the business, Patel created a very special cigar for the occasion: The Rocky Patel Twentieth Anniversary Natural. As with Patel’s Decade and Fifteenth Anniversary series, each box-pressed Twentieth Anniversary is crafted at the Plasencia family’s El Paraiso factory in Honduras. Richly textured Honduran Jamastran tobaccos join with leaves from Nicaragua’s Esteli and Jalapa regions to create the filler blend, which is cloaked in a Honduran binder and Honduran Habano wrapper leaf. Medium-to-full bodied with distinctive notes of cocoa, wood, earth, cream, pepper and spice. For a tantalizing tasting session, the 7” x 38 Lancero and 5” x 54 Robusto Grande will provide for very different, yet equally gratifying experiences. Thanks for reading!If you enjoyed this article, say Hello On:Instagram |Facebook |X |Anchor"Hey Google, listen to Cigars 365" or "Alexa, cigar reviews" Post navigation Cavalier Geneve White Series Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua