From Cuba to Miami and on to Nicaragua, the Padron family have carved out a special place in the cigar world, crafting some of the most highly-regarded and wildly popular cigars available today. And the original Padron line offers richly entertaining and affordable smokes beloved by cigar enthusiasts everywhere.
The cigars are expertly crafted around Cuban-seed Nicaraguan tobaccos which have been aged a minimum of two and half years. Available in both Natural and Maduro wrappers, each Padron delivers a medium to medium-full smoke touched with hints of earth, coffee, wood, cocoa, pepper and spice. The 5” x 50 Padron 2000, 5 ½” x 52 Padron 3000, 6 ½” x 54 Padron 4000 and 7 ½” x 50 Padron Executive are fan favorites.