While the original Montecristo is a legendary, oft-revered cigar, the makers of Montecristo continue to further evolve the brand and propelling the brand into previously unknown territories of body, texture and strength is the first ever Nicaraguan Puro to wear the Montecristo name: Montecristo Espada.
The Grupo de Maestros took the lead in crafting the Espada (or “sword”) series, focusing an impressively structured blend of tobaccos cultivated by the storied Plasencia family. The recipe includes vintage 2008 Habano filler tobaccos from the Jalapa, Ometepe and Condega regions, as well as a vintage 2009 Habano Jalapa binder and a vintage 2010 Habano Jalapa wrapper.
The medium-to-full bodied cigar oozes with thick notes of pepper, earth, cedar and spice, which are supported by sweet and creamy nuances throughout.