From Cuba to the Dominican Republic, the Montecristo name ranks as one of the most prestigious cigar brands of all-time. And when it comes to the Dominican-made smokes there is no other as quite as richly complex or as lively as the Monte by Montecristo. Developed by in-house cigar making collective of masters known as Grupo de Maestros, the Monte features a bevy of aged Dominican filler tobaccos which are hidden under two different binders: Dominican Olor and Nicaraguan Corojo, while an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper leaf shrouds it all. Full-bodied with notes of leather, earth, toasted nuts, sweet cocoa and spice. Proves a fine companion to grilled meats and fine whiskey. Thanks for reading!If you enjoyed this article, say Hello On:Instagram |Facebook |X |Anchor"Hey Google, listen to Cigars 365" or "Alexa, cigar reviews" Post navigation RoMa Craft Neanderthal The Griffin’s