Once known only for their classic mellow and easy-going character, Macanudo cigars have taken on a decidedly more modern identity. The new slate of offerings from Macanudo center around the Inspirado series, which features a variety of cigars crafted with the more adventurous aficionado in mind. And none is perhaps as daring in its body and taste as the Macanudo Inspirado Red. The full-bodied Macanudo Inspirado Red is constructed around a mixture of 12 year aged Nicaraguan Ometepe, 10 year aged Honduran Jamastran and 5 year aged Nicaraguan Esteli filler tobaccos. A Nicaraguan Jalapa binder and rich Ecuadorian Habano Ligero wrapper leaf complete each smoke, which deliver fully-developed pepper, earth, anise and spice flavors. The antithesis to the Macanudo Café, the Inspirado Red is one of the strongest Macanudo cigars to date. Enjoy after a hearty meal. Thanks for reading!If you enjoyed this article, say Hello On:Instagram |Facebook |X |Anchor"Hey Google, listen to Cigars 365" or "Alexa, cigar reviews" Post navigation Dunhill 1907 Arturo Fuente Don Carlos