For many, the H. Upmann brand represents the cigar smoking traditions of a bygone era, stately and composed in its old-world refinement. AJ Fernandez meanwhile has cultivated a modern sensibility to cigars that takes classic Cuban-style profiles and ramps them up in body and taste to previously unknown heights. And that is just what AJ Fernandez has created for H. Upmann, capturing the best of both worlds making for an Upmann for the modern age: H. Upmann by AJ Fernandez.
Each of these well-crafted cigars features a mixture of bold Nicaraguan Criollo 98 and Dominican Piloto Cubano filler tobaccos that are cloaked in a Corojo 99 binder and Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper leaf. Thick and chewy notes of spice, pepper, cedar, coffee and candied almond flavors work in harmony to deliver an intensely rich, yet balanced medium-to-full bodied smoke. An instant classic.