Omar De Frias played professional basketball in the Dominican Republic and was a project analyst at NASA before becoming an in-demand cigar maker, yet his Fratello cigars have become some of the most sought-after smokes on the market today. This includes the Maduro-clad Fratello Bianco series. The Fratello Bianco (Italian for “white” which refers to the white label) is handmade at Joya de Nicaragua’s factory utilizing Peruvian, Nicaraguan and Pennsylvanian Broadleaf Ligero filler tobaccos, along with a Dominican binder and Mexican San Andres Negro wrapper leaf. Expect broad strokes of pepper, leather, coffee, cocoa and sweet spice flavors from start to finish. As with other Fratello lines, a 6 ¼” x 52 box-pressed Torpedo, The Boxer, is offered and uses Extra Ligero tobaccos to deliver a bolder experience. Thanks for reading!If you enjoyed this article, say Hello On:Instagram |Facebook |X |Anchor"Hey Google, listen to Cigars 365" or "Alexa, cigar reviews" Post navigation Punch Bareknuckle Bespoke Basilica C#1