The Garcia family and their My Father Cigars are at the forefront of Nicaraguan tobacco and the cigar industry, with their expertise culminating in the creation of the award-winning Flor de Las Antillas line. With Cuban-seed binder and filler tobaccos from Nicaragua which are topped by a leathery Nicaraguan Las Marias Sun Grown wrapper, these complex Nicaraguan Puros have already achieved legendary status.
Each lightly box-pressed Flor de Las Antillas cigar delivers wood, leather, earth, cocoa, pepper, spice and nut flavors underscored by a subtle creaminess throughout the medium-bodied excursion. Nearly every cigar in the line-up has garnered a 90+ rating, including the now-legendary 96-rated Flor de Las Antillas Toro, recipient of countless “Cigar of the Year” awards and a top pick for all cigar enthusiasts. Flor de Las Antillas (“Flower of the Antilles”) refers to Cuba, the largest island in the Greater Antilles chain.