In 1907, Sir Alfred Dunhill opened his first tobacco shop in the heart of London, laying the foundation for what would become one of the most distinguished names in the cigar industry: Dunhill. The story of Dunhill cigars began in Cuba and the Canary Islands before finding its way to the Dominican Republic in the 1980s. It was here that the Dunhill Dominican line, often referred to as the “Blue Label,” emerged, offering aficionados one of the smoothest and most mellow cigar experiences available.
Consistency Amidst Change
Over the years, the Dunhill Dominican line has seen changes in ownership and branding. Today, it is known as the Dunhill Aged Dominican. Despite these transitions, these cigars have remained steadfast in their blend and unwavering commitment to quality. The foundation of these cigars is built upon Dominican Piloto Cubano and Olor tobaccos cultivated in the Cibao Valley. This blend is then complemented by a Dominican binder and a Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf. The result is a collection of mild-to-medium-bodied cigars that undergo additional aging in cedar rooms to further enhance their character.
Aged to Perfection
What truly sets the Dunhill Aged Dominican cigars apart is the incorporation of vintage tobacco crops. Some cigars in the range are crafted using tobacco from the 1989 crop, while others feature tobacco from the 1994 crop. These vintage tobaccos add a layer of complexity and richness to the smoking experience, making them highly sought after by connoisseurs and enthusiasts who appreciate the history and craftsmanship behind each Dunhill cigar.
A Farewell Note
British American Tobacco (BAT), the owners of the Dunhill brand, announced the cessation of production for all Dunhill cigars. This decision marks the end of an era in the world of cigars, making Dunhill Aged Dominican cigars even more precious to those who have had the privilege of savoring their exceptional qualities.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, the Dunhill Aged Dominican cigars represent a timeless classic that has weathered the tides of change in the cigar industry. They stand as a testament to the artistry and dedication of those who have crafted them over the years. For enthusiasts, they serve as a reminder of the rich history and heritage that can be found in every puff of a Dunhill cigar.