Cigar Cigar Brands CNM Featured Cuban Cigars Featured Stories Bolivar Cigars: A Bold Legacy January 11, 2017 Cigars 365 Simon Bolivar is an enormous figure in 19th South American history, having spread the seeds of rebellion to nearly every corner of the South American Continent, which in turn had…
Cigar Cigar Brands CNM Featured Cuban Cigars Featured Stories Everything You Need to Know About Cuban Montecristo Cigars January 3, 2017 Cigars 365 Montecristo: The Count and the Cigar That Became a Legend Alexandre Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo is a swashbuckling tale or revenge and redemption that has captivated the World…
Cigar CNM Featured Cuban Cigars Featured Pairings Excellent Cuban Rum & Cigar Pairings December 29, 2016 Cigars 365 Cuban Rum Brands You Should Try With the easing of trade restrictions between Cuba and the US, cigar aficionados have begun in earnest to rev up the taste-buds with the…
Cigar Cigar Accessories CNM Featured Featured 5 Holiday Gifts Any Cigar Enthusiast Would Love December 21, 2016 Cigars 365 Last-Minute Gifts for Cigar Lovers If you are looking for a last-minute Christmas gift, you are in luck! There is still time… The holidays are stressful for everyone and there…
Cigar CNM Featured Cuban Cigars Featured Pairings Smoke, Suds and the Pursuit of Happiness December 12, 2016 Cigars 365 Pairing Cigars and Beer While Cognac, Bourbon and Scotch have long been the premiere cigar pairing drinks of choice, beer has languished in the shadows as an inferior cigar complement…
Cigar Cigar Brands CNM Featured Cuban Cigars Featured Stories THE CUBAN FILES: Upmann November 28, 2016 Cigars 365 H. Upmann: The Banker, The Cigar and The Legend There have been a great many cigar brands come and go over the last 170 years, but none has endured and…
Cigar CNM Featured Cuban Cigars Featured Pairings Cigars & American Whiskey: Joys of the Land of the Free November 21, 2016 Cigars 365 Pairing American Whiskey With Cigars Cigars and spirits are two guilty pleasures that have been tied at the hip in some way or another for nearly half a millennium, so…
Cigar Cigar Brands CNM Featured Cuban Cigars Featured Stories THE CUBAN FILES: Cohiba November 14, 2016 Cigars 365 Cohiba: The Birth of a King Exploding out of the melee of revolution came one the most recognizable cigar brands in the World: Cohiba. Widely considered one of the best…
Cigar CNM Featured Featured Pairings Cigars & Port: A Tradition Reborn November 11, 2016 Cigars 365 Traditionally cigars were considered an ideal companion to fortified wines such as Port, Sherry and Madeira. Somewhere along the way, however, this pairing concept fell out of favor, yet has…
Cigar CNM Featured Featured Technique Choosing the Perfect Cigar November 7, 2016 Cigars 365 How To Choose A Cigar A good cigar is that most luxurious pastime that is like no other indulgence on the planet, yet the process of finding that perfect cigar…