The Corojo tobacco leaf emerged from Cuba’s famed Vuelta Abajo to become the signature leaf of some of the World’s most sought-after cigars. And there is no other cigar brand outside of Cuba that is as synonymous with Corojo tobacco than Camacho. The Camacho Corojo series offers up Cuban-style smokes with a distinctively Honduran twist that has made the line a revered aficionado favorite.
Originally owned by the Eiroa family, Camacho cigars are now produced under the supervision of Davidoff, which brings a whole new level of precision and consistency to the brand. A three-priming blend of Cuban-seed Honduran Corojo filler tobaccos, a Corojo binder and fifth priming Original Corojo wrapper delivers hefty notes of spice, coffee, earth, wood and a tinge of sweetness. An exemplary example of a medium-to-full bodied Honduran Puro.